Dream of CHILD Meaning in Dream | Dreaming About CHILD in Dream Interpretation


What do children's dreams mean? What does it mean when you dream you had kids?

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Dream of CHILD Meaning in Dream | Dreaming About CHILD in Dream Interpretation

Seeing a child in a dream can be interpreted in many ways depending on how it is seen and the person who sees it. However, generally seeing a child is interpreted as the person who sees it will be happy. Seeing more than one child, especially if they are beautiful children, indicates that money will come from somewhere. A woman seeing a child in her dream may indicate that the woman wants to be a mother. A child is also a sign of receiving news.

If a boy is seen, good news can be received, if a girl is seen, some troublesome and sad news can be received. Seeing a foreign child that you do not know in real life in your dream indicates that you have an enemy. Depending on how you see the child that you do not know in your dream, it is possible to comment on the current situation of your enemy. For example, if you see a sick child that you do not know in your dream, your enemy may be in a bad situation.

Giving Birth to a Child in a Dream

Seeing that you are giving birth in a dream is interpreted as a woman who sees that she is giving birth will get rid of her troubles. If a man sees that he is giving birth, it indicates that he will get sick or something bad may happen to him.

Breastfeeding a Child in a Dream

If a woman who does not have a child sees herself breastfeeding a child in her dream, it indicates that this woman may soon get pregnant and have a child.

Babysitting a Child in a Dream

Seeing yourself babysitting a child in a dream is interpreted as you need to listen to your childish desires. Seeing a babysitter or looking for a babysitter indicates that you need to understand your childish desires and make some effort to make these desires come true.

Boy in a Dream

Seeing a boy in a dream is interpreted as receiving good news. You may receive a new job offer or get promoted in your current job. Apart from this, you may hear happy news about yourself or someone in your close circle.

Girl in a Dream

Seeing a girl in a dream is a sign of receiving troublesome news. You may hear sad news about your relatives or you may experience a bad situation in your private or business life.

Yourself as a Child in a Dream

Seeing yourself as a little child in a dream indicates that the masculine aspects of your personality have developed for an adult woman. If the person who sees the dream is an adult male, it shows that the child inside him is not dead yet and that he needs to discover his childish desires. It is also interpreted as some immature character traits need to mature.

Having a Child in a Dream

Seeing that you have a child in your dream, if you are not yet a mother in real life, is interpreted as something you thought you had lost may suddenly appear, or a job you have given up hope of may suddenly have a surprisingly positive result.

Losing a Child in a Dream

Losing a child in a dream indicates that you are slowly starting to lose hope in a matter related to your business or private life. Losing something in a dream generally indicates that some things are going wrong and irregular in your life. A child also means joy. In this case, seeing that you have lost a child is interpreted as you no longer enjoy your life and have no hope for the future.

Pulling a Child's Hair in a Dream

Seeing yourself pulling a child's hair in a dream is interpreted as you need to make some effort for someone you lent money to to pay back their debt and you need to go after that person and remind them.

Working Child in a Dream

If you see a child studying or working in a workplace in your dream, it is interpreted as the beginning of a calm and peaceful period in your life. You may soon start to get along better with those around you and make peace with those you are angry with.

Child in a Dream

Seeing that you are saving a child from a bad situation in your dream is interpreted as your fear of losing the childish aspects of your personality. At the same time, it represents the efforts you make to save and correct your damaged personality traits.

Crying Child in a Dream

Seeing a crying child in a dream indicates that you or someone close to you may be sick. At the same time, the crying child may also represent an enemy of yours. This person, who is your enemy, may sometimes act childishly and have psychological problems. If the child you see in your dream has a runny nose while crying, this indicates that your enemy may be sick or in a bad situation.

Sick or Unhappy Child in a Dream

Seeing a sick or unhappy child in a dream also indicates that you have an enemy, similar to seeing a crying child. A sick child represents evil that may come from your enemies.

Newborn Child in a Dream

Seeing a new born child in a dream represents your desire to start over from scratch. Seeing a very small child like a newborn is interpreted as you have some problems but do not want to show them to the people around you. It shows that you sometimes play a role in order not to show your true feelings.

Playing with a Child in a Dreamn Playing

Seeing yourself playing with a small child in your dream indicates that some of the things you hope for in your love life will come true. If you are alone, you may fall in love with someone or make a start with the person you like and are interested in. If you are already in a relationship with someone, if you are on bad terms, you may reconcile or receive a romantic proposal such as a marriage proposal.The best video game consolesThe best gifts for your loved ones

Aborting a Child in a Dream

It indicates spiritual destruction, being broken, being sad and disappointed. It is interpreted that the sacrifices made due to the failure to meet expectations will also be in vain, and therefore the destruction to be experienced will be much greater and more severe.

Loving a Child in a Dream

It means that a beautiful experience will be experienced that will calm the person, soften their heart, make them smile and thus cause their face to smile, their eyes to come alive and shine. It indicates the values, gains and beautiful feelings that love will add.

Diapers in a Dream

It is not good, it is interpreted as being forced due to the increase in financial obligations, not having the means and having to sacrifice comfort. It means that the dreamer will risk enduring all kinds of hardships in order to enjoy his pleasure, so to speak.

Running Child in a Dream

It means being enthusiastic, full of life, cheerful and joyful. It indicates that the future is very auspicious and beautiful, that luck and chance are clear, and that fate is written well. It indicates that the person will never lose his childish innocence, hopes and goodwill. The best gifts for your loved ones

Child Drowning in Water in a Dream

It is interpreted that the person will encounter an unpleasant event that will bring his heart to his mouth, make his hands and feet tremble due to the fear it will cause him, and almost make him feel like his breath will be taken away, and he will try to get over it for a while.

Disabled Boy in a Dream

It indicates feeling embarrassed, crushed, ashamed and feeling humiliated because a job to be done is not as expected. It means that the dreamer holds himself responsible for a mistake or failure that will happen outside of him, despite doing his best, and remains under the weight of this.

Child Falling from a Balcony in a Dream

It indicates falling into a situation that will be an experience and a lesson, even if the price is heavy, and taking the necessary precautions and equipping himself with precautions accordingly in order not to experience those bad moments again or not to remain in unwanted situations.

Beating a Little Boy in a Dream

It means showing attitudes and behaviors that are not expected from him, and therefore not being wanted, loved and welcomed. It is interpreted as being involved in some events that the society cannot handle and carry, adopting them but not being accepted.

Dressing a Child in a Dream

It indicates doing a job wholeheartedly, lovingly, happily and very willingly, thus never feeling tired no matter how much effort is given, not rebelling even once, on the contrary, doing that job every day with the same sincerity and the same desire.

Lot of Children in a Dream

It means abundance, prosperity, peace and happiness that will enter the house. It is interpreted as experiencing beautiful, good news and surprise events that will give a new meaning to the family, disperse the bad, sorrowful atmosphere and gloom in the house and will be a cure for each of the family members.

Making a Child Cry in a Dream

It indicates taking steps that will cause sin and wrong steps that the person will normally never take but will take when he/she feels idle, under stress and depressed, that is, at his/her weakest moment. It means that the dreamer's behavior and actions will change in a way that will negatively affect and anger everyone.

Dreaming of a Child Peeing on You

It is interpreted as being in very difficult situations in society in the face of a situation to be found. It indicates that the person cannot move anywhere and cannot even get an opportunity to take a step, but at the same time, he has to manage this situation and get over it.

Washing a Child's Head in a Dream

It is interpreted as giving a spoon of water to a helpless and helpless person, listening to their troubles, meeting a need or supporting them spiritually. It indicates the person's exemplary behaviors, beautiful and admirable attitudes and good intentions.

Child's Poop in a Dream

It means the existence of people who are tolerated because they are loved. It indicates being self-sacrificing, therefore taking people for granted, ignoring their mistakes and flaws, knowing how to be forgiving at all times and being known for this self-sacrificing aspect.

Your Mother Giving Birth to a Boy in a Dream

It is interpreted as receiving news, having mixed feelings in the face of this news and not knowing what to think and how to act. It means that the dreamer will encounter a situation where he cannot decide whether to laugh or cry, and this is completely unexpected for him.

Child Under Car in Dream

It indicates that a horrifying and exemplary event will deeply shake everyone and at the same time become a lesson to them. It indicates that an event that can happen to anyone will happen and that those who witness it will learn a lesson from it and thus become more conscious and cautious people.

Child Falling into the Toilet in a Dream

It is interpreted as the cries for help will increase and the person will not remain indifferent to these cries and pleas. It indicates that the dreamer will not remain a spectator to a drama that will take place right next to him, but will take action with all his humanity and human responsibility and will provide great help and kindness to those in that bad situation.

Child Singing in a Dream

It indicates receiving good news, being happy, enjoying himself and being filled with water. It is interpreted as the person's prayers being accepted and thus encountering beauties and goodness, his life developing in the direction he dreams of and his problems starting to be solved like unraveling a sock.

The Graying of a Child's Hair in a Dream

It indicates some changes that will be experienced and that these changes will not be good but bad, and that they will take the person back instead of forward. For example; It means falling from wealth to nothingness, losing one's health while being healthy, and being defeated while being successful.

Crushing a Child in a Dream

It means that the person mobilizes to compensate for his mistake in the face of a job that will be done by mistake and will harm others. It is interpreted as taking actions that will cause him to feel very guilty and regret a thousand times and then resorting to every means to correct them.

Child in Your Arms in a Dream

It means taking on a heavy responsibility. It indicates taking on a job that is not easy to carry and undertake but is sweet enough to make everything worth it and managing to maintain it, sometimes difficult and sometimes easy.

Child Sleeping in a Dream

It means experiencing peace, silence and tranquility. It indicates that the chaotic work, environment and life will calm down, life will slowly return to normal and everything will start to progress normally. It is interpreted that the person will be provided with the serenity that he has needed for a long time.

Kidnapping a Child in a Dream

It indicates experiencing great fear and thinking that the world is coming to an end. It indicates that the dreamer will panic due to a momentary misunderstanding and witness that something that he considered a reason for living and that gave meaning to his life will be lost from his hands, and this will cause him to experience a very serious trauma. The situation will improve in time and irreversible events will not occur as the person thinks.

Saving a Child from Water in a Dream

It means doing the most acceptable and valid kindness and reward. It indicates that thanks to the charity that will be done going to the real needy, that aid will also reach its goal, and thus the person will experience great happiness, spiritual peace, comfort and relief of conscience.


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