Meaning of MIA Name

What does mia mean in slang? Name Dictionary


The name Mia is primarily a female name of Italian and Scandinavian origin. Here are some interesting facts about its meaning

Origin and Meaning of Mia

  • Mia means “mine” or “bitter”.

  • In Scandinavian countries, Mia is often considered a short form of the name Maria, which means “bitter” in Hebrew.

  • In Italian and Spanish, Mia means “mine” or “my” and is often used as a term of endearment.

Popularity of Mia

  • Mia is an appealingly unfussy multicultural name that has enjoyed a meteoric rise up the charts.

  • It has surpassed its mother name Maria as the Number 1 girls’ name starting with M.

  • Mia originated as a short form of Maria, which ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Miryam.

  • In modern times, Mia has been used as a nickname for names including Amelia, Emilia, and Miriam.

  • Mia sidesteps all the curlicues and ruffles attached to names like Isabella and Olivia, yet it’s distinctly feminine.

  • Its success is largely attributable to Mia Farrow, born Maria, who gained wide attention in 1964 for her role on the nighttime soap Peyton Place.

  • We see Mia as the daughter of Nina, or maybe Maya, and the granddaughter of Mary: a name that has something for nearly everyone.

  • In summary, Mia is a name that combines simplicity, modernity, and a touch of tradition.

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