Meaning of HENRY Name



Meaning of Name Henry, Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity


The name Henry has a fascinating history and multiple possible origins

Germanic Roots of Henry

  • Henry is a masculine name derived from the Germanic element heim, meaning “home,” and rih, meaning “ruler.”

  • It was popular among royalty in Germany, France, and England, and has many notable bearers in various fields and cultures.

Latin and Hebrew Roots of Henry

  • Henry could also derive from the Latin word “avis,” meaning “bird.”

  • It has separate Persian roots as a name meaning “voice” or “sound.”

  • Alternatively, Henry might be another version of Eve or Eva, which comes from the Hebrew name Havva, meaning “life” or “lively.”

Popularity and Influence of Henry

  • Henry has become one of the prime examples of a modern classic name.

  • It has risen through the course of a generation into the Top 10 and has lingered there for nearly 20 years.

  • High-profile stars like Reese Witherspoon and Hugh Jackman choosing Henry for their sons contributed to its popularity.

  • While Henry seemed to be headed towards the top spot, it has faced competition from other popular names.

  • Despite its ubiquity, Henry remains a lovely name with a mix of glamor and strength.

In summary, Henry is a name that combines simplicity, style, and a sense of history.

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