How to Cure Migraine Headache Fast at Home?

Can migraine be cured naturally? What drinks help migraines?

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How to Cure Migraine Headache Fast at Home?

What is Migraine?

Migraine is one of the types of headaches that occurs as a result of changes in blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain. The resulting pain is so severe that it can negatively affect the person's daily activities. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), 12% of people in the United States are affected by migraine, a neurological disease. There is no known treatment for migraine yet, so making changes in diet or lifestyle to prevent migraine attacks may be beneficial for the person. Things that trigger migraine attacks vary from person to person. That's why it's extremely important to stay away from foods and drinks that worsen symptoms. However, some drinks consumed may be good for migraine attacks or symptoms. Here are examples of beverages:

Can migraine be cured naturally? What drinks help migraines?


Every healthy person should consume an average of 2.5 liters of water per day. Water consumption is very important for dehydration problem. It also helps prevent dehydration and migraine attacks. Dehydration can be prevented by drinking more water after exercise or in hot weather. One of the reasons for not drinking enough water during the day is that water has no taste. For this reason, people can sweeten their water by slicing fruit. Thus, water consumption can be increased and dehydration that triggers migraine attacks can be prevented. In addition, the body's need for vitamin C and antioxidants can be met by consuming fruit with water.

Green Tea

Like black and oolong tea varieties, green tea consists of the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant and contains antioxidants. It can be consumed as an alternative to decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a 236 ml cup of regular coffee contains 80-100 mg of caffeine, while a 236 ml cup of green or black tea contains 30-50 mg of caffeine. It is known that green tea relieves headaches, but whether it prevents migraine attacks is still a matter of research.

Mint Tea

Peppermint oil, which has analgesic effects, is used in alternative medicine as a topical treatment for tension headaches. In throbbing headaches and migraine attacks, smelling peppermint oil or drinking peppermint tea can reduce symptoms. A study conducted in 2006 showed that mint tea had a pain-relieving effect. However, research is ongoing to determine whether it definitively helps prevent migraine attacks.

Ginger Tea

One of the caffeine-free herbal teas used to prevent migraine attacks is ginger tea. This type of tea is made from the root of the plant instead of its leaves. Ginger, which is used to prevent migraine attacks, is very useful in preventing nausea and vomiting that occur with migraine attacks.

Fewerfew Tea

Fewerfew (Tanacetum Parthenium) is a plant that is good for problems such as pain, light sensitivity and nausea. However, it is also known to reduce migraine attack symptoms.

According to a research article published in 2011, chewing fewerfew leaves causes mouth ulcers. That's why some experts recommend using this plant in capsule form.

Grape Juice

Grape juice contains high amounts of magnesium, like citrus fruits. Half a glass of grape juice contains approximately 10 mg of magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that contributes to the prevention of migraine attacks. Magnesium deficiency in the body causes irregular nerve conduction, triggering migraine attacks.

While women need to take 310-320 mg of magnesium per day, men need to take 400-420 mg per day. Getting the recommended amount of magnesium is effective in many conditions, including heart function, metabolism and muscle contractions.

Low Fat Milk

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) is a vitamin that helps reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

It is recommended to take 1.1 mg of vitamin B2 daily for women and 1.3 mg for men. For this reason, consuming 2 cups of low-fat milk a day meets the daily recommended vitamin B2 requirement.

Consuming more caffeine than usual can trigger migraine attacks in some people. However, coffee addicts may have difficulty quitting coffee. For this reason, decaffeinated coffee can be preferred instead of caffeinated coffee. When transitioning to caffeine-free life, caffeine should be given up slowly and gradually. Sudden caffeine withdrawal may cause caffeine withdrawal in the body and may be a trigger for migraine attacks.

According to the American Migraine Foundation, coffee companies' products labeled "decaf" contain 2.5% caffeine. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an 8-ounce cup of coffee labeled as decaffeinated contains 15 mg of caffeine. To avoid causing migraine attacks, decaffeinated coffee consumption should be limited to one cup per day.

Green Detox Drinks

If not enough greens are consumed during the day, there may be a deficiency of a B vitamin called Folate (Vitamin B9) in the body. Vitamin B deficiency can cause migraine attacks. A study conducted in 2015 showed that folic acid reduced migraine symptoms. To get this vitamin naturally, a detox drink consisting of plant-based milk and greens such as cabbage, spinach and parsley should be prepared and consumed.

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